A unique life experience that combines running or power walking for all fitness levels, exploring the natural environment and local culture, and actively participating in charity initiatives at local schools.


Νέες ημερομηνίες σύντομα.

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The package includes:

Limited Availability


  • Altitude 2.400 m
  • Famous endurance athletes' training center
  • The best view of the Great Rift Valley from any other place in Africa

What will we do?

 We will have the opportunity to train with Kenya's elite endurance athletes while enjoying the sunrise. 

Θα περπατήσουμε μέσα στο δάσος με τη συνοδεία ντόπιου, που θα μας ξεναγήσει στα τοπικά βότανα και τη χρήση τους στην καθημερινή ζωή τους.

 Θα επισκεφτούμε την οργάνωση Simba for Kids, που θα προσφέρουμε τρόφιμα και είδη πρώτης ανάγκης σε παιδιά ηλικίας 2 – 16 ετών και θα παίξουμε μαζί τους.

 Θα περιηγηθούμε στην τοπική αγορά και θα απολαύσουμε την πολυχρωμία ανθρώπων και προϊόντων. Με τους παραπάνω τρόπους θα εξερευνήσουμε την κουλτούρα των κατοίκων, θα αλληλοεπιδράσουμε και θα αφήσουμε το δικό μας αποτύπωμα.


  • Υψόμετρο 1754μ.
  • Rift Valley Ανατολικής Αφρικής
  • Nakuru = σκόνη στα Σουαχίλι
  • Πολύ ρηχή και εξαιρετικά αλκαλική
  • 400 μόνιμα είδη πτηνών
  • Προορισμός μεταναστευτικών πουλιών
  • 54 είδη θηλαστικών
  • Σύμβαση Ramsar για βιοτόπους

What will we do?


Το πάρκο εκτείνεται σε μεγάλη έκταση περιλαμβάνοντας τη λίμνη καθώς και λιβάδια, δάση και ζούγκλα. Θα το περιηγηθούμε με αυτοκίνητα. Οι οδηγοί συνεννοούνται μεταξύ τους και μας μεταφέρουν στα σημεία που έχουν εντοπίσει τα ζώα. Υπάρχουν μεγάλες συγκεντρώσεις από νεροβούβαλους, ζέβρες, αντιλόπες, γαζέλες, ιπποπόταμους, φακόχοιρους, πιθήκους, μπαμπουίνους, καμηλοπαρδάλεις, ύαινες,  λιοντάρια, λεοπαρδάλεις και ρινόκερους.

Η λίμνη λόγω της κυανοπράσινης χλωροφύκης και του πλαγκτόν  αποτελεί ορνιθολογικό παράδεισο. Πελεκάνοι, πελαργοί, κορμοράνοι, αβοκέτες, ερωδιοί,  χουλιαρομύτες, αλκυόνες, αετοί τρέφονται στα ρηχά νερά της λίμνης. Το κυρίαρχο πουλί όμως είναι το φλαμίνγκο που κατά περιόδους καταγράφεται πληθυσμός 1,5 – 2 εκατομμύρια.

Θα επισκεφτούμε και τον καταρράκτη που βρίσκεται μέσα στο Πάρκο και θα ολοκληρώσουμε την εξόρμησή μας με φαγητό στην πόλη Nakuru, την τέταρτη μεγαλύτερη πόλη της Κένυας.


  • Forest of Elgeyo Marakwet County
  • A large part of the forest is planted for timber production
  • It borders the Elgeyo Escarpment (the cliff of the Great Rift Valley)
  • It is threatened by human activities – land clearing for settlement.

What will we do?

We will enjoy running along the trails of this tropical forest, followed by monkeys competing with us from branch to branch.

We will hear birds and, "out of nowhere," discover local huts with small vegetable gardens.

We will feel the magic of the African environment and the simplicity of life.


  • Ορεινή περιοχή
  • 2047 μ. υψόμετρο
  • Καλλιέργεια τσαγιού

What will we do?

 Γνωριμία με την καλλιέργεια τσαγιού, που φημίζεται η Κένυα. Το δροσερό, υγρό κλίμα της περιοχής σε συνδυασμό με τα πλούσια ηφαιστειακά εδάφη την καθιστούν ιδανική για την καλλιέργεια τσαγιού.

 Θα παρακολουθήσουμε ένα πλήρες εργαστήριο παραγωγής τσαγιού, από τη συγκομιδή, τη ζύγιση, την επεξεργασία, τη συσκευασία, ως τη δοκιμή, την τελική κατανάλωση.


  • Continuous geomorphological subsidence of 6,000 – 7,000 km in length
  • It extends south of Western Asia and reaches the eastern part of Africa
  • Interaction of 3 tectonic plates: Arabian, Nubian, and Somali
  • In Kenya, the eastern branch of the rift is the East Rift Valley.
  • It contains hills and volcanoes

What will we do?

In Iten, we will visit Kerio View, where we will see the entire Great Rift Valley with the Kerio River flowing through it.

We will travel to the base of the Valley and cross the villages located within it.

We will buy honey, for which the Marigat area is famous, and fruits of all colors from the street vendors.

We will discover in their arid lands the "hills" of termites (white ants), which are hollow columns reaching heights of up to 3 meters and widths ranging from 2.5 to 25 cm.

Finally, at the Cheploch Gorge, we will admire the locals jumping from the bridge or from open spots into the river from great heights.


  • 5th biggest country in Kenya
  • 2nd largest medical destination in Kenya after Nairobi
  • Elevation ranging from 2,100 m to 2,700 m
  • The birthplace of the world-famous runners Kipchoge Keino and Eliud Kipchoge
  • The High Altitude Training Center of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) for Kenyan and international athletes
  • Kipchoge Keino Stadium with a capacity of 10,000 people
  • The Eldoret City Marathon is held annually

What will we see?

The name Eldoret is derived from the Maasai word "eldore," which means "stony river" and refers to the bed of the Sosiani River (a tributary of the Nile) that runs through the town.

We will also pass through the city upon arrival and departure from the local airport. However, we will have the opportunity to see this densely populated city, with its "crazy" traffic on the streets, the overcrowded matatus (small buses), the shops with colorful signs, the dirt roads, and the people constantly on the move.

The image that forms in our minds is that there are people everywhere walking long distances.


  • The capital of Kenya
  • Elevation 1661 m
  • Multicultural

What will we see?

The name Nairobi means "fresh water" and in Swahili, "cenairobe" is the place where the Maasai fetch water.

It is the only city in the world that has a National Park next to its urban core, which is a large wildlife sanctuary known for the breeding of endangered black rhinos, as well as a space for giraffes, zebras, and lions.

In the few hours we will spend in Nairobi, we will walk through the city, discovering historic buildings and skyscrapers, until we reach the National Museum of Kenya.

Its collections focus on four themes: culture, nature, history, and contemporary art. In this way, we will learn about both the historical and the modern development of Kenya.

We will return to the hotel for a short rest before our departure for Greece.


  • Altitude 2.400 m
  • Famous endurance athletes' training center
  • The best view of the Great Rift Valley from any other place in Africa
What will we do? + -

We will have the opportunity to train with Kenya's elite endurance athletes while enjoying the sunrise.

We will visit the home of a local athlete, where they will prepare dinner for us using local ingredients and traditional cooking methods.

We will engage in charitable activities at two local schools, playing games with the children while also providing sports clothing and food supplies.

Through these activities, we will explore the local culture, interact with the community, and leave our own mark.


  • Altitude 970 m
  • One of Kenya's two freshwater lakes
  • 500 bird species
  • 7 species of freshwater fish, 1 endemic species
  • Many species of animals
  • Geyser springs
What will we do? + -


We will board boats with local guides and observe aquatic birds, as well as their nests.

We will see Nile crocodiles "basking" on the shores while locals fish nearby.

We will visit Ol Kokwe Island with its geyser hot springs, where the inhabitants will greet us with their handcrafted souvenirs.

We will meet local fishermen in makeshift boats made from wood and leaves, and recognize the protruding eyes of hippopotamuses.

Finally, we will reach the Ruko Conservancy National Reserve, where we will see the protected Rothschild giraffes, zebras, gazelles, and other mammal species.


  • Forest of Elgeyo Marakwet County
  • A large part of the forest is planted for timber production
  • It borders the Elgeyo Escarpment (the cliff of the Great Rift Valley)
  • It is threatened by human activities – land clearing for settlement.
What will we do? + -

We will enjoy running along the trails of this tropical forest, followed by monkeys competing with us from branch to branch.

We will hear birds and, "out of nowhere," discover local huts with small vegetable gardens.

We will feel the magic of the African environment and the simplicity of life.


  • 5 km from Iten
  • Kessup or Kaptagat Forest
  • They are fed by the Kessup, Naiberi, and Elgarini rivers
  • Rich biodiversity
  • It is threatened by degradation due to human activities
What will we do? + -


It is the only way to explore this pristine area. We will start from the village of Kessup, at an altitude of 1,940 m, and reach the highest point at 2,160 m.

As we pass through fields and the tropical forest with tall trees and dense grass vegetation, we will reach the waterfalls. They seem to be nestled in a lush embrace. The view is truly unique.

The forest is home to a variety of primates, such as the Colobus monkey and the Diademed monkey, as well as many species of birds.

In addition to enjoying the breathtaking waterfalls and the surrounding landscape, we can take a dip in the natural pool formed by the river before the main waterfall.


  • Continuous geomorphological subsidence of 6,000 – 7,000 km in length
  • It extends south of Western Asia and reaches the eastern part of Africa
  • Interaction of 3 tectonic plates: Arabian, Nubian, and Somali
  • In Kenya, the eastern branch of the rift is the East Rift Valley.
  • It contains hills and volcanoes
What will we do? + -

In Iten, we will visit Kerio View, where we will see the entire Great Rift Valley with the Kerio River flowing through it.

We will travel to the base of the Valley and cross the villages located within it.

We will buy honey, for which the Marigat area is famous, and fruits of all colors from the street vendors.

We will discover in their arid lands the "hills" of termites (white ants), which are hollow columns reaching heights of up to 3 meters and widths ranging from 2.5 to 25 cm.

Finally, at the Cheploch Gorge, we will admire the locals jumping from the bridge or from open spots into the river from great heights.


  • 5th biggest country in Kenya
  • 2nd largest medical destination in Kenya after Nairobi
  • Elevation ranging from 2,100 m to 2,700 m
  • The birthplace of the world-famous runners Kipchoge Keino and Eliud Kipchoge
  • The High Altitude Training Center of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) for Kenyan and international athletes
  • Kipchoge Keino Stadium with a capacity of 10,000 people
  • The Eldoret City Marathon is held annually
What will we see? + -

The name Eldoret is derived from the Maasai word "eldore," which means "stony river" and refers to the bed of the Sosiani River (a tributary of the Nile) that runs through the town.

We will also pass through the city upon arrival and departure from the local airport. However, we will have the opportunity to see this densely populated city, with its "crazy" traffic on the streets, the overcrowded matatus (small buses), the shops with colorful signs, the dirt roads, and the people constantly on the move.

The image that forms in our minds is that there are people everywhere walking long distances.


  • The capital of Kenya
  • Elevation 1661 m
  • Multicultural
What will we see? + -

The name Nairobi means "fresh water" and in Swahili, "cenairobe" is the place where the Maasai fetch water.

It is the only city in the world that has a National Park next to its urban core, which is a large wildlife sanctuary known for the breeding of endangered black rhinos, as well as a space for giraffes, zebras, and lions.

In the few hours we will spend in Nairobi, we will walk through the city, discovering historic buildings and skyscrapers, until we reach the National Museum of Kenya.

Its collections focus on four themes: culture, nature, history, and contemporary art. In this way, we will learn about both the historical and the modern development of Kenya.

We will return to the hotel for a short rest before our departure for Greece.